Delete an offline generic vault


Allows you to delete an offline generic vault. The correct payload and encryptedData must be supplied
in order to proceed with deletion.


application {: The application details
Type: JSON Object
Presence: required
apiKey: The application's api key
Type: string
Values: hexadecimal, dashes
Length: 36
Presence: required
uuid: The application's uuid
Type: string
Values: hexadecimal, dashes
Length: 36
Presence: required
externalRef: Your reference to this operation for audits. FAQ
Type: string
Values: utf8
Min length: 1
Max length: 64
Presence: optional
vault {: Contains the details of the vault
Type: JSON Object
Presence: required
credentials {: Contains the credentials required for use of the vault
Type: JSON Object
Presence: required
encryptedData: The vault's encryptedData
Type: string
Presence: required
payload: The vault's payload
Type: string
Presence: required
responseStatus {: Contains details about the response status
Type: JSON Object
Presence: required
code: The response status code
Type: optional
Values: alphanumeric, dashes
Presence: optional
detailedErrors [{: Contains error details if any error(s) occurred
Type: Array of JSON Objects
Presence: optional
errorReasons [: Contains reasons for the parent detailed error
Type: Array of string
Presence: optional
property: The JSON property in the request responsible for the parent detailed error
Type: string
Presence: optional
message: The response message
Type: string
Values: see Sanctum error messages
Presence: optional
status: The response status
Type: string
Presence: required


API used
PUT /sanctum/v1-2/vault/generic/offline/{{vaultUuid}}/delete