Quick start

This quick start will guide you through

  1. Signing up and creating an Organisation in Haventec Console
  2. Creating an Application Haventec Console
  3. Downloading and running a sample server
  4. Downloading and running a sample client application
  5. Logging a user into your application using Haventec Authenticate

At the end, of this guide, you will have your Application communicating with your Server and Authenticate

Haventec Authenticate sample app architecture overview

Sign up your Organisation

Go to Haventec Console and sign up your organisation.

Haventec Console create organisation screenshot

Add your Application

Once you have signed up, add your application by going to Applications and clicking the Add application button.

  • Enter your Application name
  • Enter your Application description
  • Tick the checkbox to enable Authenticate
  • Select Haventec JWT as your Authentication Protocol

This will create your new application. Click on your new application to view your Application UUID and API Key. You will need these to start using your application with Haventec Authenticate.

Haventec Console application screenshot

Create your backend server and add your API Key

You can create your own server using any language or platform that suits your needs.

To get up and running quickly, download the Authentication sample server. This is a simple Node Js application built on the Hapi framework.

Follow the installation instructions in the README file.

Once installed, add your API Key to the config.js file.

    config.application.apiKey = '22222-2222-2222-2222-2222-2222-22222';

Run the server

    npm start

Create your application

You can create your own application using any language or platform that suits your needs.

To get up and running quickly, download the Authentication sample app. This is a simple TypeScript app built using the Ionic framework.

Follow the installation instructions in the README.

Once installed, add your Application UUID and your server endpoint to the /src/constants/application.const.ts file.

    export const API_ENDPOINT: string = 'http://localhost:8080';
    export const APPLICATION_UUID: string = '11111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-11111';

Run the app

    ionic serve

Start Authenticating

Start the sample server and sample app. Sign up your first user.

  • Click New user
  • Enter a username
  • Enter your email
  • Click Create an account
  • Enter a PIN
  • Click Create my account
Haventec Sample application screenshot


You have successfully authenticated a user using Authenticate

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